Arts Education Project Topics with Materials:

ABSTRACT The study on the causes and effects of students’ school dropouts was carried out in Kawempe North Division, Kampala District in Central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes and effects of school dropout in schools. The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included; finding out the causes of... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0550
  • Pages:50
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT  A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in Kisumu municipality, Kisumu district- Kenya between 20' may to 20th July, 2008. The main objective was tc determi,1;, solid waste in Kisumu municipality. Specifically, the study objectives include; Identification of methods of solid waste management , to determine the level of... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0549
  • Pages:38
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in secondary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools in Kalungu county,... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0548
  • Pages:33
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the relationship between truancy academic performance in Ngaru primary schools, Kuhuro division Murang’a district kenya The specific objectives of the study were to find out the factors that cause to truancy in primary schools, investigate some factors responsible for truancy in primary schools and... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0547
  • Pages:45
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to study the effect of kiswahili teacher quality on the academic achievement of students in the selected schools of Kasipul Division, Kinango District of Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine if teachers motivation affects academic performance of students in Kasipul Division, to determine... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0546
  • Pages:52
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT. The study recounted the academic performance of orphaned children affected by Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) in regular primary schools in Matungu division. The writer used quantitative approach, design used was case study. The population was all schools in Matw1gu division. The sampled... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0545
  • Pages:41
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of drug abuse on the academic performance of pupils of Herman Gmeiner Primary school in Eldoret, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the Reasons for drug abuse. Dn1gs commonly abused and their sources and the Effects of drug abuse on academic performance.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0544
  • Pages:38
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The study aims at assessing the hearing aid to learners with hearing impairment in Wareng district Kenya. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0543
  • Pages:57
  • Reference:YES
Abstract An attitude may be defined as a predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given attitude object (Oskamp, 2005). The focus of the study is on school student’s attitudes towards biology subjects taught in the secondary classrooms. The term subject refers to both theory and laboratory classes in... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0542
  • Pages:33
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT  This report 1s about a study that aims at establishing the Gender and academic performance of pupils in Sciences in Primary Schools in Uganda. The study was conducted from ten selected Schools in Makindye East Sub Division, Kampala District. The study involved 122 respondents; 10 Headteachers, 32 teachers and 80 pupils. The objectives... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0541
  • Pages:44
  • Reference:YES
Abstract Since 1940s when the main course of education was started in Kenya with the rehabilitation of victims of the Second World War, there have been a lot of changes in education policies. The initial concern was to provide health and social rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. These facilities later changed their concern and... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0540
  • Pages:39
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Ngolongo Zone, Kabashet division, Bariwgo District , Kenya. It was carried out on the impact of teaching methods on performance of English as a subject in Ng'long' Zone , Baringo, Kenya. The main objective of the study were aimed a assessing the impact of teaching methods on performance of English, to... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0539
  • Pages:41
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT This was a cross sectional study designed to determine the factors associated with drug abuse among primary school pupils in ten schools in Kamariny zone in Keiyo district in Kenya. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age, gender and peer influence on drug abuse and to establish the reasons why pupils abuse drugs.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0538
  • Pages:41
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of drug abuse on academic performance of learners. The general objectives of the study were to investigate the causes of drug abuse and its impact on academic performance of learners. The study took a quantitative approach to collect and interpret the data. The study also employed a descriptive survey design... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0537
  • Pages:37
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of teaching aids on the performance of pupils in Mathematics in primary schools in Kitgum District. The case of selected primary schools in Mucwini Sub County. A qualitative research technique was selected to this study using a variety of research instruments. The subject in the study... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0536
  • Pages:58
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT This study looked at the effects of guidance and counseling as an alternative to caning on secondary schools discipline. The topic attracted considerable research due to the instances of drug abuse, truancy, defiance and delinquency slowly taking riot in the learning institutions. It has been noted with regret that discipline has been... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0535
  • Pages:35
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT  The study carried out an investigation on the challenges faced by private primary schools in their effort to render and supplement the efforts of the government in as far as rendering education to the country's citizens is concerned. The study took Mwea Division; Mbeere District located in Eastern Province of Kenya as a case study.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0534
  • Pages:50
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The study investigate the socio-economic factors affecting pupils performance in Mogobich zone and the following objectives guided the study; Investigate the relationship between family background and socio-economic factors. Establish relationship between pupils and academic performance and analyze the effects of socioeconomic factors on... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0533
  • Pages:51
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The study reveals that participation of the girl child in education is generally low. Girls are more marginalised especially because of the gender roles, inadequate access to resources. Education is not a priority for them; they provide labour in households to subsidize the meagre resources ofthe family. The research was carried out among... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0532
  • Pages:72
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT An investigation of the Impact of Gender Stereotype on Recruitment of Women in secondary schools was conducted in Nimule and Pageri towns in Magwi county, southern Sudan. The variables considered include: forms of gender stereotype in society, its effects in the society and the attempts to curb it. The general survey research design was... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0531
  • Pages:64
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT  This study was intended to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance 111 KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in Kuna East District within Kenya. Relevant literature related to the field of study was gathered and this assisted the researcher get a clear picture of wl1at the e11tIre study was... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0530
  • Pages:42
  • Reference:YES
Abstract This study will be about factors that determine the students' performance in science subjects in secondary schools within makindye division Kampala district. According to Baguma in the new vision of 10th February 2007,pg.l, over all results of science subjects (both 'O' and A level) postulate that performance in science subjects... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0529
  • Pages:43
  • Reference:YES
Abstract Kaianjai zone is in Tigania District, Eastern province, Kenya. It has seven secondary schools, of which five are district schools and two provincial boarding schools. District schools are those schools that admit students from the district only. Provincial boarding schools are those that admit students from allover the province. Among the... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0528
  • Pages:34
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT  Every part of the world has embraced English language. It is assumed that one can communicate with one out of four in English. It is due to its popularity and importance that the teaching and learning of English language be emphasized for desired results to be ' . realized. Therefore, it is imperative that effective teaching methods be... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0527
  • Pages:26
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The need for guidance and counselling- Kenya became more important in the early 1960's. This was the time the country was anticipating independence. There was need to get Kenyans who would work in industries to replace the expatriates who were leaving the country. Therefore the guidance that was required then was vocational. Since then... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:ARE0526
  • Pages:81
  • Reference:YES