Geology Project Topics with Materials:

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 LOCATION, EXTENT AND ACCESSIBILITY Akanu-Ohofia Area comprises of villages in Ohofia local government area of Abia state. Communities within the studied area include; Akanu, Isi-ugwu, Ndi-uduma, Abia, Ania, Ndiokala, Ndi-orieka, Amankwu and Eziafor (Figure 1). The study area is part of the Southern Anambra Basin... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0034
  • Pages:77
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Over 40 complexes of the younger granites of Nigeria are found on the Jos plateau. The Ganawuri complex is one of the high level granitoid bodies in the Younger Granite Province . During the period of this research, a massive kaolin deposit at Kurra was studied. The sequence of the studied area comprises of five layers: a lateritic layer,... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0033
  • Pages:115
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Over 40 complexes of the younger granites of Nigeria are found on the Jos plateau. The Ganawuri complex is one of the high level granitoid bodies in the Younger Granite Province . During the period of this research, a massive kaolin deposit at Kurra was studied. The sequence of the studied area comprises of five layers: a lateritic layer,... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0032
  • Pages:115
  • Reference:YES
The Geo-statistical evaluation of the hydrochemical data of river Niger floodplain water in Jebba and its environs, Nigeria was carried out using Multivariate statistical analysis such as Correlation Analysis (CA), Factor Analysis (FA), Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to classify the water geochemistry.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0031
  • Pages:174
  • Reference:YES
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Statement The Nigerian sector of the Chad Basin, known locally as the Bornu Basin, is one of Nigeria’s inland basins occupying the northeastern part of the country. It represents about one-tenth of the total area extent of the Chad Basin, which is a regional large structural depression common to five... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0030
  • Pages:44
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The main objective of this work is to study the geology of Amuro and its environs near Afikpo, Ebonyi state and produce a geologic map of the study area. Amuro area offers a unique opportunity to study and understand the deformational processes and to determine the tectonic stresses active in the southern Benue Trough as the highly... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0029
  • Pages:117
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Ozara Ukwu and its environs (the study Area) is located within the Abakaliki Basin and the Afikpo sub Basin, respectively within the Afikpo Area. Detailed geologic mapping was carried out in other todetermine the various stratigraphic lithologic units, depositional environment, provenance, age and kerogene characterization, respectively... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0028
  • Pages:74
  • Reference:YES
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Procreation is an important moral and religious issue and aphrodisiacs are sought to ensure both male and female potency. Sexual potency is part of the male ego, the anxiety and the humiliation that are associated with a declining sexual ability are common to all cultures. That is why the popularity of aphrodisiacs has... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0027
  • Pages:69
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT Geophysical survey involving electrical resistivity method has been carried out in Erunmu, Oyo state south-western Nigeria with a view to delineate the geoelectric characteristics of the basement complex and evaluate its ground water potential in the area. A total of 7 vertical electrical sounding stations were established within the site... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0026
  • Pages:48
  • Reference:YES
The third trimester filled practical programme is an important programme designed by the university for development studies to equip students with practical skills and other standard of living. This first part of the field work is to help identify the problems of rural communities in the northern regions and in this instance TAPA ABOTOASE in the... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0025
  • Pages:17
  • Reference:YES
Abstract The  study  addressed  the  Geology  and  geological structures around  Kwal-Kanke  area  around  the  Jos  plateau. Three (3) rock types namely; Quaternary dolerite/basic rocks, aplo-pegmatitic  granite  gneiss  and  migmatite-gneiss  were delineated. The  quaternary  dolerites  and  the  aplo-pegmatitic granite ... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0024
  • Pages:5
  • Reference:YES
A  detailed  geologic  mapping  of  clay  deposits  in  the  Patti  Formation  around  the  Ahoko  area  in Kogi  State  (north-central  Nigeria)  was  carried  out  on  a  scale  of  1:12,500.  The  study  area  lies within  the  Lokoja  Sub-basin  of  the  Bida  Basin  between  longitudes  60  51l  and ... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0023
  • Pages:104
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT ͦ Many areas are exposed to different types of natural hazards including landslides, which can lead  to loss of lives, injury to people, damage to property and disruption of economic activities. This  project assessed the landslide susceptibility and quantifies the hazard and risk related to landslides  in Okemesi, southwest, Nigeria... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0022
  • Pages:51
  • Reference:YES
Geochemical Analysis of a selected well sample around the Nigerian delta areas of Nigeria. ... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0021
  • Pages:51
  • Reference:YES
Abstract The geochemical classification of granitic rocks in the Gwada area of Niger State, North Central Nigeria was carried out. The methodology adopted for the research consists of fieldwork and geochemical analysis of rock samples using XRF at Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, Kaduna. Field evidence suggests that, the Gwada area mapped is... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0020
  • Pages:28
  • Reference:YES
Abstract: Palynological analysis was carried out on twenty (20) ditch cutting samples from a section (1284.73– 1496.57 m) of the Amansiodo-1 well, Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria with the aim of determining the age, biozone, and depositional environment of the sediments within the depth interval. The laboratory techniques of digesting... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0019
  • Pages:9
  • Reference:YES
ABSTRACT The logs from three wells of Obama Field, offshore south-west of Niger Delta Basin were studied for the purpose of evaluating the petrophysical properties and interpreting the depositional environments. The analyses carried out involve delineation of lithologies, identification of reservoirs and fluid types, wells correlation and... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0018
  • Pages:19
  • Reference:YES
A total of 21 samples were analyzed in the laboratory, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrum (ICP-AES) was employed in the whole rock analysis for oxides, total sulphide (TOS), total carbon (TOC) and loss on ignition (LOI), while Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) was employed in the analysis for trace metals... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0017
  • Pages:9
  • Reference:YES
GEOLOGY OF WESTERN AKING AND ITS ENVIRONS AND HEAVY METAL DISTRIBUTION IN SURFACE WATER                              STREAM SEDIMENT, AKING-WEST,SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY ABSTRACT Aking-West and its environs is located within latitude 050 221N and 050 261N and longitude 0080 361E and 0080 381E. It... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0016
  • Pages:88
  • Chapters:7
Department of geology ABSTRACTS The study area is located within latitude 050 271 4611N and longitude 0080 431 46E, and the elevation of the place is 156m. The major rock types encountered in the area include gneisses, quartzite, amphibolites and marbles. These are intruded by pegmatite, quartz vein... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0015
  • Pages:39
  • Chapters:7
HEAVY METAL DISTRIBUTION IN SEDIMENT OF AKPABUYO STREAM, CROSS RIVER BASIN  SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIA Geology department ABSTRACT   Sediment samples were collected through the purpose sampling method from various streams in Akpabuyo L.G.A, ten sample location were selected. The concentration and areal distribution of selected metals (Fe, Zn, Mn,... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0014
  • Pages:26
  • Chapters:5
    DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY   ABSTRACT        Seismic interpretation data and applications are the key element of a rapid technological evolution in the remote sensing of the subsurface maps that has resulted in geoscientists movement from data poor to data rich Stewart, S. A.... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0013
  • Pages:30
  • Chapters:5
Resistivity methods used in horizontal and vertical discontinuities in the electrical properties of the ground water detection (Geology ) Chapter One: Introduction The resistivity method is used in the study of the horizontal and vertical discontinuities in the electrical properties of the ground and also in the detection of three dimensional... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0012
  • Pages:37
  • Chapters:5
IN ZARIACITY KADUNA STATE ABSTRACT In Nigeria and particularly in Zaria city of Kaduna state, open dumping is still the most common household waste disposal method/practice. This type of practice is un hygienic and environmentally unfriendly. This research is aimed at effective household waste management... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0011
  • Pages:64
  • Chapters:5
  • Methodology:Statistical Analysis
  • Reference:YES
CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  The development of soil erosion began when man settled down and started turning pasture land into farmland. The intensive exploitation of the land disturbed the natural soil vegetative cover and exposed its, surface to the effect of erosive agents and to introduce such... Continue Reading
  • Type:Project
  • ID:GGY0010
  • Pages:65
  • Chapters:5