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ABSTRACT The importance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos state in recent years cannot be underrated especially with regard to creation of employment, innovation, uplifting the people‟s standard of living and financial contribution to the growth of the countries‟ Gross Domestic Product. This sector's growth is hindered by... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF THE NAIRA DEVALUATION ON SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA ( A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED MINI IMPORTERS IN LAGOS STATE) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Nigeria with abundance of resources like crude etc is deemed blessed. Her vast resources in commercial quantities have placed her on a high pedestal... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1   INTRODUCTION Strategic planning is defined as unified, comprehensive and integrated plan design to ensure that the basic objectives of an enterprises is achieved, it also known as long-term planning simply defined as the formal process of determining long, medium and short-term objectives and goals of an industry and how to... Continue Reading
The study looked at 'credit financing and financial performance of small and medium eateries in Kasese district'. The findings were interpreted, analyzed and discussed in relation to the objectives of the study as follows; to establish relationship between credit terms and financial performance of SMEs in Kasese district, to establish the... Continue Reading
Small and medium enterprises globally have donated to macroeconomic visions of nations and  their development is important for markets that are competitive and competence, absorption of  labor and produce. Some elements are supposed to be connected through working efficiencies  and other segments interventions like formation of an enabling... Continue Reading
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a significant sector in the economy of Kenya as well as  many other developing economies. The sector provides employment to approximately 85% of  the country’s workforce (about 7.5 million Kenyans). Insufficient business capital,  underdeveloped savings strategies and poor financial knowledge are major... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF BANK PHB PLC.) ABSTRACT Small and medium enterprises are supposed to playa central role in the drive for economic development of the country. There is however a consensus' that these small and medium enterprises... Continue Reading
Small and medium enterprises are generally regarded as the primary driver of national  development in developed and developing economies; contributing both to their  sustainable growth and the creation of employment. In Ghana, SMEs constitute about  92% of enterprises, fund about 70% to the country’s gross domestic product and absorb  about... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION APPROVAL DECLARATION . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v L1ST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 3 1.3.1 General objective 3 1.3.2 Specific objective 3 1.4... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT I intend to study the role of record keeping and financial performance of small and medium enterprises in foti patial municipality Western division. Despite the effort made to promote their financial performance through proper documentation, and the fact that financial record keeping exists in small and medium enterprises, it has been... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study  Small and medium enterprise (SMEs) are considered backbone of economic growth in all countries (Rajesh, Surash and Deshmukh, 2008). Small and medium enterprises play an important role in Nigeria’s economic growth, as they constitute 97.2% of the companies in Nigeria (Ministry of Trade and... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF ACRONYMS Xi ABSTRACT xii CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study I 1.1 .1 Historical perspective .1.2 Theoretical perspective 2 1 .1 .3 Contextual Background 3 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Purpose of the study 4 1.4 Research... Continue Reading
Today businesses are expected to take on additional social responsibilities aside from  maximising profits and shareholders‟ wealth. Pressure from stakeholders have induced the  businesses to espouse sustainable practices that look beyond their economic and legal  requirements but also fulfil social obligations. However, due to their limited... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION APPROVAL 1 DEDICATION Ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENT v LIST OF TABLES ix ABSTRACT xi CHAPTER ONE 1 BACKGROUND 1 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Purpose of the study 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 3 1.5 Research questions 3 1.6 Significance of the study 4 1.7. Scope of the study 4 1.7.1. Time... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of MAPs on financial performance among SMEs in Uganda with reference to the Britania Allied Industries Nakawa Division. Specific objectives included: investigating the extent to which MAPs were employed by Nakawa Division SMEs, identifying the roles played by MAPs in Nakawa Division... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The rate of which an economy progress is determine by the level of industry and human capital development.  Nigeria is one of such economy where Small and Medium-Scale Industries have the prospect in main-stream contribution in the growth and development process.  Ironically, this vital aspect of an economy faces obvious difficulty poor... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF NNEWI TOWN IN ANAMBRA STATE) ABSTRACT The rate of which an economy progress is determine by the level of industry and human capital development. Nigeria is one of such economy where Small and Medium-Scale Industries have the prospect in main-stream... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered important in both developed and developing countries. Due to increased level of unemployment in Kenya, many individuals have engaged in Small and Medium Enterprises as source of employment. Given the status of the business environment where the competition is intense, SMEs need... Continue Reading
Abstract This study sought to establish the relevance of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) to small scale enterprises in Nigeria. The international accounting standard board (IASB), in its objectives and preamble, suppose... Continue Reading
Abstract There is consensus among policy makers, economists, and business experts that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are drivers of economic growth. A healthy SME sector contributes prominently to the economy through creating more employment opportunities, generating higher production volumes, increasing exports and introducing innovation... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................ i APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................. iii... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was to find out the level of awareness and indulgence in financial record keeping in the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises by the Ghanaian population. This was to help ascertain whether there was the need for financial records keeping and also to bring to the fore, the benefits that people can derive from the keeping of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study venture capital financing and performance of small and medium enterprises in Akwa Ibom aimed at finding the relationship between venture capital financing and performance of small and medium enterprises in Akwa Ibom State other objectives of the study includes; to evaluate the benefit of venture capital to SMEs performance, to... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of micro-finance funding on the performance of small and medium enterprises within Nakuru town. More specifically, the study sought to analyze the effect of MFI’s cost of credit on the performance of SMEs, to determine the effect of non-repayment of MFI’s loans on the performance of SMEs... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This paper provides empirical evidence regarding the perceived investigation into the  benefits and challenges of international financial report standard adoption and  implementation amongst small and medium enterprises in Kumasi metropolis. The Ghanaian  financial reporting framework is keeping pace with the global development due to... Continue Reading
Bank fraud, poor lending and credit management practices in the Nigerian banking sector forced the Central bank of Nigeria to revisit the capital structure of commercial banks in Nigeria. These among other things led the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to give a directive that all banks should recapitalize from ₦ 2 billion to ₦ 25 billion with... Continue Reading
ECONOMIC RECESSION AND PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES (SMEs) ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to determine the extent to which economic recession affects SMEs operational activities in Edo State and identify the impact of such economic downturn on their profitability, productivity, turnover, liquidity and employment practices.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The growth and spread of internet with an extraordinary pace over the last few decades has resulted in its increased use for marketing purpose; this is internet marketing. Internet as a marketing tool provides significant opportunities for companies to seek... Continue Reading
IN LAGOS STATE NIGERIA. ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of educational qualifications on entrepreneurs and performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. In this study, relevant and... Continue Reading