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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The concept of internal control is said to trace its history back to the beginning of the 20th century when audit on financial statements came into being, it has consistently evolved to what it is presently due to continuous change in the business environment (Heier, Dogan and Sayers, 2005). The... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT This research work has been able to assess the type of internal control system in public sector and how they operate bringing to light their strength and weakness. It was revealed that internal control is the back bone of a sound system of control in every organization. Application of internal control has help to prevent the level of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACTS The nation of an audit for being a watch dog gradually changing for the better as internal auditing has undergone tremendous changes in the decent past. The actual functions of the auditor are often shoulder in secrecy major roles of internal auditing have been clear to majority of people in the society. In view of numerous corrupt... Continue Reading
ABSTRACTS The nation of an audit for being a watch dog gradually changing for the better as internal auditing has undergone tremendous changes in the decent past. The actual functions of the auditor are often shoulder in secrecy major roles of internal auditing have... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF NIKE LAKE RESORT HOTEL, ENUGU) ABSTRACT This research work has set out to determine the relationship between effective internal control system and improve financial management. The motivating factor in... Continue Reading
EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM IN PREVENTION OF FRAUD IN PUBLIC SECTOR (A CASE STUDY OF UNTH ENUGU) ABSTRACT The research work was aimed at the “effectiveness of internal control system in prevention of fraud in public sector a case study of UNTH Enugu. It cannot be over emphasized here that an effective control system does not only... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The' term management was coined from the Italian word 'managgiare” which connotes ‘to train horses’. It was originally used to indicate the process of training or coordinating sporting activities. Later its application was extended... Continue Reading
APPLICATION OF AN ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVE INTERNAL CONTROL AND AUDIT IN PUBLIC SECTOR   CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION Auditing is an independent checking, investigation, examination and expression of the books of accounts and vouchers of a business enterprise with a view to enable the appointed auditor to report whether the trading,... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION  Auditing is an independent checking, investigation, examination and expression of the books of accounts and vouchers of a business enterprise with a view to enable the appointed auditor to report whether the trading, prodit and loss accounts and balance sheet are properly drawn up so as to show a true and fair view of the state of... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Auditing is an independent checking, investigation, examination and expression of the books of accounts and vouchers of a business enterprise with a view to enable the appointed auditor to report whether the trading, prodit and loss accounts and balance sheet are properly drawn up so as to show a true and fair view of the state of... Continue Reading
1.1INTRODUCTION The Institute of Charter Accountants defines the concept internal control system as “The whole system of control financial and otherwise established by the management in order to carry on the business of the enterprise in an orderly and efficient manner, ensure adherence to management policies, safeguard the assets and secure as... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the internal control system of the board of internal Revenue Enugu State. It cannot be over emphasized here that an effective internal control system does not  only ensure financial accuracy of transactions, but it reduces trade to the barest minimum. A good internal control... Continue Reading
1.1 INTRODUCTION The Institute of Charter Accountants defines the concept internal control system as “The whole system of control financial and otherwise established by the management in order to carry on the business of the enterprise in an orderly and efficient manner, ensure adherence to management policies, safeguard the assets and secure as... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the internal control system of the board of internal Revenue Enugu State. It cannot be over emphasized here that an effective internal control system does not  only ensure financial accuracy of transactions, but it reduces trade to the barest minimum. A good internal control... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work is on the Performance Appraisal as a tool for achieving higher efficiency and productivity in National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Kaduna the problem investigated by this study focus on the performance which is not up to the expectation. The Aim of the study is at analyzing the impact of performance appraisal... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work is on the Performance Appraisal as a tool for achieving higher efficiency and productivity in National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Kaduna the problem investigated by this study focus on the performance which is not up to the expectation. The Aim of the study is at analyzing the impact of performance appraisal... Continue Reading
 Evaluation of value for money audit as a tool for fraud control in the public sector  TABLE OF CONTENTS The title page i The approval page ii Certification page iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of contents vii List of tables viii List of figures ix The abstract x Chapter One: Introduction 1.1. Background of the... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK NIGERIA PLC) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1             BACKGROUND OF STUDY In view of the recent global recession of 2009-10, when investments made by banks and financial institutions proved unsafe and almost triggered a financial meltdown that... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work is an attempt made to enforce the roles played by internal audit department in the public sector towards the appraisal of management efficiency. There are five chapters that represent the main topic of discussions of the project. The introductory part of the project is written in chapter one comprising background of the... Continue Reading
AN APPRAISAL OF THE EFFICIENCY OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING RECORDS IN NIGERIA COMMERCIAL BANKS A CASE STUDY OF UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA (UBA) ABSTRACT This research work was geared towards findings how effective the present internal control system is in our commercial banks, using UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA (UBA) as a case study. This... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The scope of governmental auditing has been widened over the year by the demand for independent verification of information to the extent that it can no longer be limited to the audit of financial operations, but value for money audit which ensures that the activities and programs are carried out at low cost and high standard. Lack of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this study internal control as an aid to accountability in the public sector was researched on using Biase local government area, cross river state as the case study. The major objective of the study was to find out and understand how internal control aids accountability in the public sector and to explain those relevant topics, which... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this study internal control as an aid to accountability in the public sector was researched on using Biase local government area, cross river state as the case study. The major objective of the study was to find out and understand how internal control aids accountability in the public sector and to explain those relevant topics, which... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND OF STUDY According to Oxford Learners Dictionary, Organization can be said to be a group of people who form a business, club etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim. It can also mean two or more people getting together for a purpose. In getting together, they decide to interact with... Continue Reading
, KADUNA CHAPTER ONE 1.0    INTRODUCTION 1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY One of the universals of organizations is objectives or goals. Every organization is characterized with the following features: people and... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION The notion of the auditor being bound or a watchdog is gradually changing for the better as internal auditing has undergone tremendous changes in recent past. The actual functions of the auditor is often surrounded in secrecy or held in some kind of awe. Major notes of internal auditing have not been clear to the majority of people in... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION The notion of the auditor being bound or a watchdog is gradually changing for the better as internal auditing has undergone tremendous changes in recent past. The actual functions of the auditor is often surrounded in secrecy or held in some kind of awe. Major notes of internal auditing have not been clear to the majority of people in... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1.0     INTRODUCTION Increasing competition is continually pushing businesses towards more efficient processes, and slimmer margins. Highly capitalized industries have to ensure that their... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title Declaration Approval page Dedication  Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction   1.0Introduction  1.1Statement of Problem 1.2Objectives of the study  1.3Significance of the study 1.4Statement of Hypothesis  1.5Scope and limitations of the study 1.6Definition of  Terms CHAPTER TWO ... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Declaration Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.0Introduction 1.1Statement of Problem 1.2Objectives of the study 1.3Significance of the study 1.4Statement of Hypothesis 1.5Scope and limitations of the study 1.6Definition of Terms CHAPTER TWO Literature review... Continue Reading